The Petts family Shield

The Petts Family Ancestry and History

A website for Pettses around the world


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History of the name "Petts"

Variations on the name "Petts"

Famous Pettses from around the world

Petts family trees

Pettses around the world

Coats of arms of the Petts family

Visitors' contributions to the site: if you are called "Petts" don't forget to sign the guest book.

Variations on the name, "Petts"

  There are many variations to the name of Pett, all of them being listed below;

Petts, Pette, Puette, Pitte, de la Pute, Pettes, Bitheputte, ithe Putte, atte Pitte, Puttes, Pyts, Pet, Pettes, Pettis, Pettys, Petus, Petys.

These are the only names that are related, all others are unrelated.